OPINION- And so the word went out almost precisely two months after fire incinerated most of the Pacific Palisades district in Los Angeles: The water is OK again, you can drink it, come on back ...
And all of the ignition points that humans brought in—power lines, heavy equipment, cars, cigarette butts—started more fires than the land was adapted to handle. Southern California’s chaparral needs ...
Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher and California Senator Megan Dahle have announced legislative efforts to aid the ...
Orchard Hills is a planned community in Orange County that broke ground in 2014, with developers taking specific steps to ...
Ukrainian delegates visited Paradise to learn about water recovery efforts following the devastating 2018 Camp Fire. Leaders ...
In the almost seven years since the Camp Fire, its mayor has found himself in a mentoring position as more and more large ...
Mayor Karen Bass credited DWP crews for working seven days a week to restore and flush out toxins from the water supply.
ChicoSol operates without a paywall in the belief that nonprofit news is a community service — and essential for democratic participation. On a rainy afternoon, the Paradise Symphony Orchestra and ...
A Peace Pole reading 'May peace prevail on Earth' has been installed at Billie Park in Paradise to honor various communities, ...
At the end of the March 14 performance, the orchestra played the Ukrainian National Anthem. Most people watching in the Paradise Performing Arts Center stood while the song played, and the Ukrainian ...