O ne would think that with over a dozen core entries to its name, the Castlevania series would have incorporated some sort of ...
The iconic character in the games varies just a bit from his ... inflicted by Isaac in Curse of Darkness. While the Nintendo 64 reboot of Castlevania is not considered a classic, Legacy Of ...
In fact, some of the strongest characters in the games are not linked ... trilogy and the often-overlooked Nintendo 64 versions. Even within the main Castlevania timeline, some protagonists ...
There have been 3D Castlevania games in the past, most notably in the N64 era, but those games aren’t held in nearly as high-regard as 2D classics like Symphony of the Night. If Konami really is ...
Nintendo’s Super Metroid and Konami’s Castlevania: Symphony of the ... dreamlike world reminiscent of classic games on the PS1 and N64. You are Sybil, a goat-bunny-cat lady armed with a ...
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is 28 years old, and remains of the greatest videogames of all time, but what does its ...
Almost 40 years have passed since Beyond the Ice Palace first released on the Commodore 64 in 1988, but new life has been ...
Beyond the Ice Palace 2 ticks all of the nostalgia-inducing boxes boasted by genre classics like the old-school Castlevania games, featuring engaging level design, brutal bosses, challenging ...
Game Boy classics like Castlevania Legends, Mega Man, and Kirby titles are also available through the service. Subscribers get exclusive perks like Wario Land 4, Legend of Zelda music, and access ...
Nintendo's rollout of retro games for the Switch Online service will continue next week with the addition of four Super Nintendo titles.
The standard tier gives you access to NES, SNES, and Game Boy games. The Expansion Pack tier includes N64, GBA, and Mega Drive games.