Christian students at Western Kentucky University wrote out the entire Gospel of John with chalk across their campus to share ...
In June 2024, the Bible Museum’s CEO, Harry Hargrave, retired after years of successful leadership. Harry was a friend who ...
I Don’t Do Mountains is a new children’s book by Inverness author Barbara Henderson. It’s a pacey adventure about four P7 ...
ALBAWABA - An Algerian TikToker called "FobusTikTok" recently sparked outrage on social media after a video showcased him ...
ShareProphetess Joy Okechukwu is the Founder of the Leading Woman Prophetic International Ministry, which guides women on the ...
When someone comes to their legislator with a personal complaint, the answer shouldn’t be immediately: “There ought to be a law….” | Opinion ...
You’ve seen the play, now read the book.” The ad, plastered on taxis, was for the Broadway play The Book of Mormon.
Tomorrow we will celebrate the fifth Sunday of Lent. Lent was established by the Council of Nicea in 325 AD with emphasis on ...
PRAYER NUGGET: Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, You are very great: You are clothed with honor and majesty, Who ...
There are many times in the Bible where a fig tree is mentioned. Have you ever taken the time to study the intricate growth ...
The verse from Mark 13:22 indicates that false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders to deceive ...
As a lifelong resident of the geographic region that is the epicenter of the storied Tennessee Walking Horse industry (yes, it’s possible to be from a small town without being from the proverbial “one ...