The pro-Russian hacker group Noname057(16) claimed the cyber attack on Telegram, saying Italy's "Russophobes get a well deserved cyber response". A spokesperson for Italy's cyber security agency ...
Russia is focusing its cyber attacks against Ukraine, rather than stepping up its attacks against the West in response to decisions by the US and the UK to allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles ...
“China firmly opposes and combats any form of cyber attacks in accordance with the law,” embassy spokesperson Liu Pengyu wrote in a statement to The Hill. “The US has drawn conclusions ...
The attacks are likely to grow in scope and sophistication ... 11 that the telecommunications hack was the “most significant cyber espionage campaign in history.” The Biden administration ...
That’s also true if you have a small or medium business. Nearly half of all cyber attacks target small businesses with 1,000 or fewer employees, resulting in an average cost of A$46,600 for ...
New Delhi: The Delhi Police’s X handle was hacked late Tuesday, making it the sixth time in the past 15 months that the unit has suffered a cyber attack on its website or social media handles.
Hyderabad: Predicting the next wave of cyber attacks in 2025, the Data Security Council of India's (DSCI) Cyber Threat Report has pointed out that IoT devices, AI-powered adaptive malware and ...
This year, the UK’s NHS found itself at the receiving end of some particularly nasty attacks, but there were other high-profile victims as well. Meanwhile, state-backed cyber intrusions from the ...
Verizon also told Bloomberg that “a small number of high-profile customers in government and politics” were in the crosshairs of the cyber attacks. As of today, the carriers assure that their ...
The Dutch central bank (DNB)said on Wednesday that the chance of a cyber attack on important infrastructure is increasing, particularly from Russia. If the digital payment system is disrupted, then ...
ARLINGTON — "Think before you click." It's a timeless warning, but one that especially resonates during the distracted frenzy of holiday shopping. "I feel pretty concerned," said Pamela Day ...
Update, Dec. 20, 2024: This story, originally published Dec. 18 now includes details of newly published warnings regarding phishing attacks against Gmail and other email platforms following ...