Chairman of the Diamer-Bhasha Anti-Corruption Movement Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), Mubashir RBK on Monday emphasized the need to ...
Vadehavet forventes natten til tirsdag og tirsdag morgen at blive ramt af kraftigt højvande. Højvandet forventes at kulminere klokken syv tirsdag. Det oplyser Erik Hansen, som er vagthavende ved ...
- Mange af vores følgere kan ikke selv komme ud at rejse. Så kommer de alligevel på en tur, en gang imellem. Det gør mig glad, hvis de også kan få noget ud af det, siger Chris Olesen, som gerne slår ...
The two-inch snail darter became a symbol for regulatory overreach in the 1970s. New research suggests the fish was not an endangered species — or even a species.
Den tyske skihopper Selina Freitag modtog shampoo, sæbe og fire håndklæder som præmie for at vinde kvindernes kvalifikation i ...
MANKATO, Minn. — The bridge in Mankato that spans the Blue Earth River near the Rapidan Dam is starting to come down. Crews began demolition work Tuesday, months after extreme flooding pushed the ...
Scientists say the snail darter, whose endangered species status delayed the building of a dam in Tennessee in the 1970s, is a genetic match of a different fish. By Jason Nark For such a tiny fish ...
A team of ecologists, evolutionary biologists and resource managers affiliated with several institutions across the U.S. has ...
Over the last hundred years, these landscapes have been drastically altered. After the first dam began operating in 1918—one of four that would eventually be forged in the lower Klamath to ...
Susanna Simpson was in court on Monday fighting for some of the seven million dollars that was awarded to her son by a judge in 2021. Reaction has been pouring in following news that Justin ...
Donald Trumps søn er rejst til Nuuk. Den amerikanske charmeoffensiv tester et i forvejen anstrengt forhold mellem Grønland og ...