The Swedish series is based on the true-crime book The Breakthrough: How the genealogist solved the double murder in ...
Netflix's The Breakthrough is based on the infamous and real-life double homicide case, where eight-year-old Mohammad Amouri and fifty-six-year-old Anna-Lena Svensson were stabbed to death in broad da ...
Netflix's The Breakthrough, a Swedish crime miniseries, was released on January 7, 2025. It is inspired by the real-life ...
She was a 2021 finalist for the Indy's Best & Brightest award in the media, entertainment and sports category. You can get in touch with Anna by emailing Languages: English.
The English We Speak is your chance to catch up on the very latest English words and phrases. In under 3 minutes, we help you stay ahead of the pack by giving you 'must have' phrases that you can ...