Described as a 'gold mine,' the data could help solve astronomical questions about the expansion of the universe and the ...
Wild new theories have emerged after scientists claimed to have discovered a 'vast city' 6,500ft below the Pyramids of Giza.
NASA and the French space agency CNES's SWOT satellite provides researchers with the tools to create the most accurate ocean maps yet.
Scientists say they’ve found “space tornadoes” swirling in the centre of our Milky Way galaxy. While the galaxy’s centre, including the supermassive black hole Sgr A*, is known to be active and filled ...
Experts have been working on mapping the ocean floor with traditional methods, sending ships across the water with sonar ...
DESI's first dataset maps 18.7 million celestial objects, aiding dark energy, galaxy, and universe expansion studies.
From its perch in the foothills of the 3.4-mile-high mountain, you can see over an expanse of plains, called Aeolis Palus, ...