Some posts say automaker Tesla, which Musk leads as CEO, has announced plans to delve into personal electronics at prices lower than companies such as Apple and Google. "AMAZING: Elon Musk unveils ...
Gillard says several Tesla-owning friends have purchased anti-Musk bumper stickers that read “I Bought This Before Elon Went Crazy,” which I’ve also spotted in Ann Arbor. According to The ...
Tesla has officially filed its appeal against the Delaware judge’s decision on Elon Musk’s compensation package. It’s heading to the state’s Supreme Court. For a full context of the case ...
Hard to believe, right? Especially when you consider that back in 2013, Tesla was so broke that Elon Musk came close to selling it to Google. The deal? A tidy $6 billion up-front plus $5 billion ...