The Prime Minister has made a $1 billion commitment for the Western Sydney Airport rail corridor. The Allan government insists it has a "zero tolerance" approach to organised crime despite fresh union ...
Segment of the Southern Cross NEXT cable under test in the Southwest Pacific Ocean (Photo/Supplied ... lined up like infantry ...
The exercise will take place along with local law enforcement and fire agencies and will be a test of the Wireless Emergency Alert, or WEA, for the evacuation zone of SON-6F4, which is in the Sonoma ...
WKAR, the EAS state primary station, will participate in the emergency test as part of Severe Weather Awareness Week.
If you receive an emergency alert on your phone or hear tornado sirens next Wednesday afternoon, Ingham County Emergency Management wants you to know it is just a test.
Napa and Sonoma counties will join local law enforcement agencies and fire departments in a test of the Wireless Emergency ...
If you receive an emergency alert on your phone or hear tornado sirens Wednesday afternoon, Ingham County Emergency Management wants you to know it is just a test. Ingham, Eaton, and Clinton ...
Homewood Campus Public Safety will conduct a full-scale simultaneous activation of both the siren/public address system and the Johns Hopkins Rave Alert text messaging system ...
The hold "undermines the emergency alert system relied upon throughout the nation by millions of people whose only access to emergency information is through publicly-issued alerts by public ...