The 90-year-old Celeste Caeiro, known as Celeste of the Carnations, taking part in the 50th anniversary parade of the Carnation Revolution earlier this year - PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA ...
Celeste Caeiro greeting a former soldier earlier this year on the 50th anniversary parade Credit: PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA It was the perfect symbol for the almost bloodless revolution ...
Scouts love uniforms. And who doesn’t love a parade? In my own academic work, I have defined fascism minimally as “a popular, fully authoritarian political system with a personalistic dictator ...
Slovakia’s populist Prime Minister Robert Fico has accepted an invitation from Russian dictator Vladimir Putin to the commemorations in Moscow in May of the end of World War II. “The Red Army ...
PTI lawyer Fatehullah Burki also criticised the police’s “oppression and fascism” while speaking ... in court after their identification parade was completed. Personnel from the Banigala ...
Politburo member and Minister of National Defence Gen. Phan Van Giang hosted a reception in Hanoi on December 26 for Russian ...
In his book “Unholy Alliance,” David Horowitz spoke about the alliance between extremist Islamic movements and the American ...
I was recently invited to give a talk at MIT on campus organizing and battling against Trumpism. This was because in 1965, I ...
Those deemed “enemies’’ will be persecuted, and the lies will reproduce without stopping. Exhausting. In foreign affairs, ...
The folk singer, who died in 2014, was famous for his songs about working people, unions and social justice. In this 1984 interview, Seeger cited Woody Guthrie as one his most important influences.