The show, inspired by the ongoing Fast franchise, has received a straight-to-series order. This animated Fast and the Furious puts the focus on Tony Toretto, younger cousin of Dominic Toretto ...
Tokyo Drift flopping at the box office led to the franchise focusing more on action, rather than cars and street racing.
In response to the Los Angeles wildfires, Vin Diesel reveals that "Fast X: Part 2" will finish filming in the California city.
Tony Toretto and crew arrive to lure kids in to the Furious franchise. Vin Diesel is one of the executive producers of the new show, so we shouldn't be surprised at some kind of cameo from big ...
Any true fan could tell you that the Fast & Furious franchise isn’t really about cars, it’s about family. From the outside, the series looks like a non-stop ad for car manufacturers, so you might be ...
We have some potentially very exciting news to share with you as a new rumour claims that live-action TV shows set in the ...