What would happen if all the glaciers on Earth melted? Explore the potential future impacts on sea levels, ecosystems, and humanity as we face the realities of climate change. Discover what a ...
The vast Antarctic Ice Sheet holds more than half of Earth's freshwater. In several places around the continent, the ice ...
Colder-than-normal temperatures have led to the rapid development of shelf ice on Lake Michigan. Shelf ice, while appearing ...
This newly extracted ice preserved a record of our planet’s climate history, continuous information on atmospheric ...
Antarctic sea ice rebounded in December after a long period of record lows, US scientists said, giving pause to speculation ...
Changes from v4 to v5 include the use of new data sources (such as Argo floats above 5 meters) and new versions of input datasets, such as ICOADS R3.0 and HadISST2 sea ice concentration. Improved ...