His is a sort of erudite buffoonery that consistently tap-dances between clever, self-aware, and patently stupid. He’ll eat ...
Susana Polo is a senior entertainment writer at Polygon, specializing in pop culture and genre fare, with a primary expertise in comic books. Previously, she founded The Mary Sue. We won’t know ...
We're inching towards the much-hyped Summer of Superman with James Gunn's hotly-anticipated new movie coming soon, not to mention a whole heap of comics from DC. Kal-El isn't the only member of ...
You have until March 30th to download the comics you’ve already bought. You have until March 30th to download the comics you’ve already bought. Wes Davis is ...
They may be competitors, but the "Big Two" of comics – Marvel and DC, as if that needed spelling out – actually have a long-history of collaboration and communication. Last year the publishers ...