He should outline the scientific evidence for this move and provide reassurance that there will not be a reduction in vaccines ... Vaccines save lives, and casting doubt on their safety could ...
In contrast, harm reduction, as defined by Harm Reduction ... “This is a service that will save lives…it’s very forward-thinking,” said a 43-year-old man, who requested anonymity because ...
I know this from my time injecting meth. Many harm reduction resources reflect it. It applies to flavored vapes, too.
They are learning to save lives," Irvin says. "Volunteering to assemble harm reduction kits can help save lives now and set the standard for the type of work they do in the future. This speaks to the ...
A recent Mexico City festival introduced 'Check Your Substance,' a drug testing initiative by Instituto RIA, focusing on harm reduction and public health ... "This is a service that will save ...
Harm reduction saves lives,” said IDHS Secretary Dulce M. Quintero. “I want to thank Governor Pritzker for his support and leadership in addressing the opioid epidemic from many angles, and we look ...
Harm reduction saves lives,” said IDHS Secretary Dulce M. Quintero. “I want to thank Governor Pritzker for his support and leadership in addressing the opioid epidemic from many angles ...
On the occasion of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which is commemorated every year on 26 June, UNAIDS is releasing a short brochure highlighting the many commitments ...