Mesha Rashi, also known as Aries, is the first sign of the zodiac, symbolizing new beginnings, energy, and initiative. Individuals born under this sign exhibit distinct characteristics influenced ...
The planetary transits of the year initiate with the shift of Venus, the planet of love and beauty into the spiritual waters ...
In astrology, Kanya Rashi, known as Virgo in Western astrology, embodies practicality, meticulousness, and analytical thinking. Individuals born under this sign exhibit distinct characteristics ...
In Vedic astrology, Surya or the planet Sun is the king of navagrahas and the lord of the Simha zodiac sign. The Sun is the soul of the universe and governs our consciousness. Sun is in Makara rashi ...
It was a pair of cufflinks in the form of a martini glass and a cocktail shaker — a generational piece passed down from her husband’s family — that inspired Rashi Jain to create her own line ...
Hindu Sangam president T. Ganesan said the festival coincides with the Sun God’s (Surya Bhagavan) astronomical transition from Sagittarius (Dhanur Rashi) to Capricorn (Makara Rashi), known as Makara ...