In 2002, Danny Boyle introduced the world to a zombie-infested London with horror classic 28 Days Later with Cillian Murphy in the starring role of Jim. Months ago, the internet caught its first ...
Your story will end differently than you think it will, dear Aries. There have been many challenges in your personal life in the past year, especially those connected to your home. You have been ...
These are the terrifying voice messages a stalker sent to his 15-year-old victim’s family before repeatedly stabbing her.
Where are you off to, Virgo? Your day might get underway without a hint of adventure or travel on the agenda, but an alignment of the receptive moon and whimsical Uranus in your intrepid ninth ...
You might have a change of heart today and feel like bailing on social plans at the eleventh hour. Chalk it up to a meeting between your ruler, the moon, and impromptu Uranus in your collective ...
Your dreams may take on a vivid, almost prophetic quality today, potentially offering insight or guidance from an ancestor. This is an excellent time to honor those who came before you through a ...
(plus a free chart and tarot readings.) AriesMar 21 – Apr 20 Your Weekly Horoscope: How are you going to ensure that 2025 is packed with good fortune? It’s not as if you can subscribe to a ...
There's a rumour that Elvis and Bowie (who both celebrate their birthdays today), talked about making music together. We can only imagine what their talented minds would have created. But even if ...
If we're going to manifest them, we need to know what they are! There’s so much more to your horoscope than just your Sun Sign. If you like what you read here, just wait until you read your ...
It’s hard to prepare for a curveball, but if you stay on guard for unpredictable expenses or strange financial dynamics, then at least they won’t create a disaster if they come sailing over the plate ...
The Nakshatras can be classified into Andhandha, Madhyandha, Mandhandha and Sulochana Nakshatras regarding the theft, losses of valuables etc. Revati is classified as Andhaksha Nakshatra. The lost ...