The MODA relates individual projects and various project combinations with attributes such as: total cost; overall ecosystem benefit; area of habitat restored; number and priority of salmon stocks ...
Why? Because the primary cause for the decline of wild salmon is rooted in one area: habitat. Some say the answer to salmon recovery is simple: Just stop fishing, and weak wild salmon runs will ...
WASHINGTON— The Trump administration agreed today to finally make a decision on designating critical habitat in Alaska for two ice-seal species. Both bearded and ringed seals are listed as threatened ...
MARYSVILLE — Nicole Sieminski’s boots squished through water-laden reed canary grass as she made her way to Allen Creek, the site of the Tulalip Tribes next salmon restoration project.
WASHINGTON— The Center for Biological Diversity sued the National Marine Fisheries Service today for failing to designate critical habitat in Alaska for two ice-seal species. Both bearded and ringed ...
Northern California’s Park Fire has burned through some of the Central Valley’s last wild salmon habitat, dealing a blow to an already struggling iconic fish species. It’s unclear how much ...