Ancient New Zealand insect fossils reveal new genus of whitefly and first psyllid wing, enriching knowledge of Miocene ...
The brush-tailed bettong once inhabited most of Australia, but these days it lives in a tiny fraction of its former range.
Bedbugs are real insects and populations are on the rise. Find out what these insects look like and how can you prevent their dreaded bite. Adult bedbugs are bigger than you imagine. They may ...
If you’re new to hydroponics, you might be wondering what hydroponic plants to grow in your new garden. Do you know how that ...
A quick and easy guide to seven of the most common—and most destructive—insect pests on your household plants, plus how to ...
to correctly identify the multicolored Asian lady beetles. The 'M' can look thick, thin or even broken in appearance. The immature larvae are alligator-like and appear similar to other lady beetle ...
A new species of caddisfly, Tinodes lumbardhi, was found in a sidestream of the Lumbardhi i Deçanit River in Kosovo's ...
Researchers exploring the wares of fishers in Vietnam discovered a “supergiant” sea bug species whose resemblance to Darth Vader inspired its name.
The first signs of a black widow spider bite are usually a pinprick sensation, minor swelling, redness and a target-shaped sore, Medline Plus explains. Within 15 minutes to an hour of getting the bite ...
the focus is now turning to companies like Google and Apple A doorbell camera on a Canadian home captured rare video and sound of a meteorite striking Earth as it crashed into a couple’s walkway ...
Instead of "just sitting on the fence" after a teen was stabbed at the bus hub, Pacific Trust Otago planned a ground-breaking three-year initiative to stop anything like it happening again. Since ...
Jan. 21, 2025 — A new study has identified a group of neurons that, when activated, can induce a hypometabolic state, akin to hibernation. The discovery could have ...