Anybody who comes to that temple, feels so calm and collected once they see that big Buddha' Author of the article: You can save this article by registering for free here. Or sign-in if you have ...
Giant Statue of the Buddha in New Jersey Becomes Interfaith Hub and Spiritual Home for Many FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, N.J. (AP) — Just off a state highway in New Jersey, one of the largest statues of ...
Everyone needs a good buddha bowl recipe, and this one is particularly good. Soy-stained eggs, sticky roast veg and sesame spinach combine to make something filling, flavourful and fantastic.
Bodhi Day holds great significance for Buddhists globally, marking the day Siddhartha Gautama, later known as Buddha, attained enlightenment. Celebrated on December 8 each year, it is a time for ...
The market value of jadeite has risen dramatically in recent decades, often rivaling that of fine ruby and sapphire. Understanding the color origin of jadeite and reliably determining treatments have ...
Jadeite is available in a wide range of colors. In rare cases some could be considered pink; however, this material is referred to in the trade as lavender. Rare examples of Guatemalan jadeite in a ...
Kyaw Kyaw pursues the dream of seeing the punk scene take off in Myanmar, while raising awareness about persistent violations of human rights. His philosophy: A symbiosis of Buddhism and punk that ...