The story concerns an expedition, led by James Mason, who plays a dedicated scientist, to the center of the earth. Among those who descend to the depths with Mason are Pat Boone, one of his ...
She gives a box to Trevor that belonged to his missing brother, Max, and Trevor find a book with references to the last journey of ... a lost world in the center of the Earth.
In his 1864 novel A Journey to the Centre of the Earth, a group of scientists and explorers descend into the crater of an Icelandic volcano and discover a prehistoric underworld complete with ...
If we were to journey to the center of the Earth, it would take a lot longer than you might expect. Here's how deep humans have dug underground. The typical grave is 6 feet down. Most Olympic ...
In less than 80 days NASA and SpaceX will launch a solar-powered spacecraft on a 2.5 billion miles (four billion kilometers) journey to ... one located in the center of the Earth—and uncover ...
When you get to Sogalz, the final boss of the game, you first have to place the Dyna Crystals in the Dyna Statue in the correct order. The correct placement is: At the title screen, press and hold ...
Lindenbrock and his companion, Alex, discover and explore the center of the Earth, a mysterious place full of dangerous electrical storms, prehistoric reptiles and swamp monsters. Based on author ...
Edinburgh university professor Sir Oliver Lindenbrook believes he has found an very old message from a long lost scientist who may have found the way to journey to the center of the Earth.
A modern adaptation of the universe of Jules Verne, thus transposed to our time, at the beginning of the 21st century.