A cinematic adaptation of Jules Verne's 1874 novel "The Mysterious Island", the story begins during the American Civil War, as famine and death ravage the city of Richmond, Virginia. Five northern ...
From the depths of the ocean to the center of the Earth, Jules Verne's impact on science fiction remains massive today.
The Disney Treasure takes the best parts of the Disney theme park experience and packages them together for a cruise adventure.
Jules Verne's Mysterious Island and The Poseidon Adventure. Other recent projects include the Flash Gordon and Farscape series, both produced for Syfy. His other more recent television movies also ...
such as the legendary Michelin-starred Le Jules Verne. End your day with a scenic cruise along the Seine River aboard Vedettes De Paris, where you can admire the city’s landmarks illuminated ...
This space is filled with nods to the adventurous Jules Verne as well as Captain Nemo ... via special effects and illusions (including a mysterious new one they’ve been trying to conjure ...
When French author Jules Verne died in 1905, powered air flight, which he put at the center of his 1886 book "Robur the Conqueror," had moved from fiction to reality. Just two years earlier, the ...
They are reminiscent of the glorious past and feeling uncomfortable with the mournful clothes remaining unused in the closets and the green grass and the cotton growing back in the fields, as Verne ...
Once landing on an island, the group finds they are surrounded by danger from giant insects and gold-craving pirates. Turned away by the only safe haven on the island, owned by Captain Nemo ...
In tough conditions after passing the Cape of Good Hope, Léonard Legrand took out the drone to capture these breathtaking images of Sodebo Ultim 3 on its now well progressed Jules Verne record attempt ...