Medically reviewed by Isabel Casimiro, MD, PhDA gastroparesis diet involves eating smaller meals with foods that are softer ...
When you're having ulcerations in your intestines or your colon, I think this is going to be some food that's going to be very painful to eat… Try a low residue, fiber-restricted diet.
Learn why white rice, mashed potatoes, fruits without the skin, and other low-fiber and low-residue foods are your best bet after a Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis flare-up.
Because of the low fiber intake, people often use a low residue diet and a low-fiber diet interchangeably. But they're not synonymous. Low-fiber diets focus only on cutting out high fiber foods.
A low-fiber "Western diet" causes damage to the protective mucus barrier in the gut, and such damage can increase the risk of ...