The myopia of romance could make for unrelatable, navel-gazing music — the kind that should stay between partners instead of ...
Celebrated pianist Benjamin Grosvenor has said that it’s always a pleasure for him to perform at Cambridge, a city he has ...
The second half started with Stanford’s The blue bird, perhaps the most magical part-song in the repertoire with its evocation of the shimmering lake from the underparts with the sopranos floating ...
Two stunning new volumes of the collected poems of William Soutar have been published by Perth-based Tippermuir Books ...
Lauryn Hill’s voice cuts through the noise. Whether it’s through a tender ballad, a spiritual declaration, or a lyrical takedown, her songs demand that we feel, think, and grow. In a time where much ...
He also began recording with Integrity Music. While working on the album Pure Heart, Lenny found himself on a deadline to pen new songs for the project. Ordinarily when writing, Lenny says he would ...
A new Square Enix Music video features songs pulled from multiple Final Fantasy Piano Collection albums available.
“The grandchildren of legendary musical artist Bruce Springsteen are reportedly exhausted after being serenaded with a ...
Lullabies have been around for centuries, with the earliest known ones dating back to 2,000 BC. But unlike today’s gentle ...
One of the pieces, Ripples Sifting Sand: Rain Murmurs From Across the Drape, based on a poem by Li Yu — the last emperor of ...
For some time Graham Reynolds' music has inhabited a curious space between concert halls, dance theatres and cinema screens. If you’ve heard his film scores – ...
The subtle stirrings of springtime accompanied my morning walk to the Volume One office, where the quiet melodies of birdsong ...