Sailor Moon has inspired anime fandom for generations. The magical girl anime emerged as an international and multimedia sensation, a clear alternative to other still-enduring manga-turned-anime like ...
Sailor Moon is a vibrant magical girl anime that hides dark themes of abuse, death, and suicide beneath its surface." ...
Featuring groundbreaking representation and profound messages, Sailor Moon has redefined the world of television in so many different ways.
The art by Takeuchi has Ayu and Sailor Moon both wearing the same outfit, which is reminiscent of a 90s Japanese school ...
Anthony P. Mendle grew up in Waterbury and was killed at age 21 while serving in the Navy on June 8, 1967, when the Israeli Defense Forces attacked his ship, the USS Liberty. Contributed/Mendle ...
We knew how to play a tear-jerker in those days, and I was full of the kinds of passions that could make a sailor weep. I remember it was about 11 p.m. and pouring rain outside when I began ...
NORFOLK, Va. — Loved ones of a Sailor who was hit and killed while riding his motorcycle in Norfolk over the weekend are mourning their sudden loss. Zachary Schonborn, 23, was hit by a vehicle ...
A World War One sailor has been formally recognised as the ... Bureau (ILMB), a panel of 20 experts who examine the case and make a claim of whether a healing is medically inexplicable.
Doug Hegdahl, pictured in captivity around Christmastime in 1968, was serving with the Navy on a warship off the coast of Vietnam in 1967 when he fell overboard – paving the way for him to ...