In the serene town of Linköping, Sweden, an ordinary morning turned into a nightmare. Eight-year-old Mohammed Ammouri was walking to school when he encountered his attacker, Daniel Nyqvist.
Action and crime BLs offer thrilling narratives with LGBTQ+ characters in dangerous situations. Many fans enjoy the ...
After being transported to another world, these characters used modern-day knowledge to help them in their new lives.
Fans of Netflix's Squid Game need to check out these death game manhwa while waiting for season 3 to be released!
When it comes to crime-solving shows and detective dramas like True Detective or Broadchurch, typically the story depends on ...
Upcoming film “Nocturnal” has dropped intense and captivating new teasers! On January 8, the production company of "Nocturnal" released the main poster ...
Kodansha kicks off the new year with the reveal of January's new digital manga series debut Killing Line by Satoshi Morie, the creator of the dark romantic thriller Searching for My Perfect Brother.
There was a stroke of evil genius in the way Man Haron Monis secured a worldwide audience for the horrific events that he unleashed in the heart of Sydney on a fine summer’s day 10 years ago.
Perplexed, she replied: "I think they're saying that you're the killer, sir." These are all of the actors who have played the lead detective in the hit BBC series so far: Ben Miller as DI Richard ...
Prince Andrew has said he "ceased all contact" with a businessman accused of being a Chinese spy after receiving advice from the government. In a statement, his office said Prince Andrew had met ...