I struggle with stress and feeling overwhelmed. I am 52 and juggle full-time work as a wife and mother to a teenage daughter.
To further refine risk stratification, other mental health conditions or diagnostic tools should be considered, according to ...
The global burden of anxiety- and depression-related disorders is on the rise. While multiple drugs have been developed to treat these conditions, current medications have several limitations, ...
Did you know that spending 20 minutes in a hot sauna three times a week can be a highly effective treatment for depression? Randomized clinical trials have dem ...
The emergency department, while sophisticated and able to treat a variety of medical issues, is not always equipped to ...
Learn about how your stress could be linked to decreased sexual performance and satisfaction. If this resonates, read the ...
Lowers body temperature: While humans cool off by sweating or turning on the A/C, cats can cool down by licking. In a 2018 ...
But many people who take daily medications are unaware that certain drugs in their pill box can also increase their risk of ...
Patients with atopic dermatitis using dupilumab vs conventional drugs had less risk for psychiatric and sleep disorders.