“Alouette,” a sculpture by Canadian Brandon Vickerd, is a Nissan Altima parked on Washington Street in Downtown Crossing.
Ohio native Gerald Brostek found a way to create art while working at a Cleveland steel mill. "I was just amazed at the elasticity of the steel, how malleable all the steel was when it was orange hot" ...
Many of the winners are by now known names, having won top honors in previous years. But in 2024, newcomer Adriana Greisman won big, with her color photo “Spectacular Waterlily” judged best in show.
Amazon, If you don't want to use nails, one reviewer said they hung these with small Command strips. Promising review: ...
On pieces of rusted metal, Lithuanian artist Severija Inčirauskaitė-Kriaunevičienė cross-stitches symbols of hope.