Know the harms of water balloons on ear health, and prevention tips to stay safe and have a healthy Holi celebration.
A study from researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine highlights a new approach in addressing conductive ...
Conductive hearing loss, which most commonly happens in childhood, occurs when sounds do not reach the inner ear. Sound waves are blocked in the outer or middle ear due to ear infections ...
Our ears play a vital role in everything from helping us complete important tasks to enjoying life's little pleasures. Maybe ...
This information is sourced from the Cleveland Clinic website. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor if you are experiencing any of the above.
A Cheshire animal hospital has launched a dermatology service with the appointment of a specialist vet as it expands its service offering for pets with skin conditions.
Berikut adalah penjelasan tentang apa itu Sindrom Treacher Collins, mulai dari pengertian, penyebab, faktor risiko, hingga cara merawat.
The process of deciphering these waves is handled by our eardrums and other parts of the inner ear. After passing through the outer and middle sections of the ear canal, the waves knock on the ...
Conductive hearing loss occurs when there’s damage to the outer or middle parts of your ear. This damage can prevent sound from reaching your inner ear, which is responsible for converting sound ...
A big scoop of muted green pistachio gelato balancing on a cone, is an indication that my holiday is about to begin. It is ...