Looking at the back of the soda can you’re drinking, you’ll find a long list of ingredients you probably haven’t heard of.
Yet another coffee shop has sprung up in Tooele County to serve the multiple residents that commute to work in the Salt Lake Valley. Located in Erda, this shop has a unique twist on coffee and soda.
Mountain Dew is reportedly launching a new soda flavor that fans are excited to try, but they aren’t eager about everything ...
The unincorporated town of Dew, about 90 miles south of Dallas, would receive some perks in exchange for changing its name.
A petition would rename the Texas city of Dew as Hard Mtn Dew, which is the name of the soft drink's hard- or spiked-soda counterpart.
Beginning today, fans can help make HARD DEW, Texas become a reality by signing a petition at Change.org/HARDDEWTEXAS. If the petition is successful and the town embraces the name change, HARD MTN DEW ...
DEW, Texas (KVIA) -- Mountain Dew is launching its new HARD MTN DEW in Texas. In order to promote the new drink, the company has started a petition to rename the small town of Dew, Texas as HARD ...
Mountain Dew would like to take over a town, in a way, as they are going to launch a new campaign to rename a small Texas town after Hard MTN DEW. Just off I-45, about 90 miles southeast of Dallas ...