Before 'The Rule of Jenny Pen' streams on Shudder and AMC+ March 28, IndieWire After Dark is watching a few of puppeteer Paul ...
She’s the reason for the season and the inspiration behind this month’s IndieWire After Dark lineup — Two Midnight Movies (and ... of ABC’s “The Muppets” TV show from 2015, spotlighting his ...
It's packed with epic, uber-violent fight scenes for a start ... It's fair to say the modern era of Disney movies has been hit and miss, but Zootopia captures all the creativity and originality ...
In the world of Muppets, mischief abounds. The finer points of Muppet misbehavior will enjoy a thorough examination in "Affection Anarchy: Muppet Prank Culture," a live discussion on April 1 with a pa ...
Muppets Most Wanted, the movie that contained the scene from which the viral meme derived, premiered in March 2014. Ty ...
What’s New for the Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid Movie? As announced during the AnimeJapan 2025 event this weekend, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid: A Lonely Dragon Wants to be Loved will ...
For those that have not connected the dots yet, the movie in question is 1999’s Fight Club from director David Fincher. Based on the 1996 novel of the same name, it notably stars Brad Pitt.
“I think you have more questions after the movie than before.” He sounds like he also likes stimulating debate. “You could say that, yeah,” Schwarz shares. “But I think that it’s ...
Ahead of their huge fight, the 38-year-old American has shockingly revealed that he is ‘more than likely’ going to miss the birth of his daughter, with him and his wife expecting on March 31.
Firstly, a pedantic note: while that phrase makes for a nice bit of cinematic wordplay, this film really should be called ‘Fight On Flight ... Hanks-style Sully movie out of all the madness ...