Parents today are generally aware of mental health conditions that relate to body image, including common disorders like ...
Cosmetic clinics are failing to screen for body dysmorphia, leaving vulnerable patients at risk of excessive treatments, ...
But, there is a growing disorder affecting boys and young men. It's called muscle dysmorphia, also known as bigorexia. It's the obsessive belief that your body is too skinny or not muscular enough.
Muscle dysmorphia is a mental health condition. It is a type of Body Dysmorphic Disorder and typically affects males. This condition includes an intense fixation on developing muscles and ...
But in fact, that is not always the case.” Bigorexia (Muscle dysmorphia) is a disorder in which a person becomes obsessed with working out because they are not muscular enough. “Social media ...
Responses were elicited using the Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder Inventory. New research links protein powder and supplement use in teens to muscle dysmorphia. (Photo by Nick Starichenko on Shutterstock) ...