The mantra of ‘America First’ is shaping U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration, marking a significant turning point ...
ROSKINO (a government organisation representing the Russian audiovisual content industry in international markets) is organising the Russian Film Day at Chhaya Center today. The event will be a part ...
Such a tribunal would be valuable not only for its prosecutions but because its actions — indictments, in particular — would set the historical record regarding how the war started and who was behind ...
As the luckless citizens of Lviv, Ukraine, endure yet another foreign invasion, Philippe Sands's book — and the ideas that ...
I’m shocked to learn that anyone would hasten to obey an order that intentionally discriminates against minorities and women. There is settled law prohibiting actions that discriminate. Further, I bel ...
“After Germany surrendered, Mr. Sichel became the O.S.S. station chief in postwar Berlin,” wrote Asimov. “He was 23 and known ...
The respectable jurisprudential debate over the definition of the crime and the fulfilment of its constituent parts soon stifles the outcry ...
The first sign of civilization isn’t fire or some stick-figure painting of a hunter spearing a bison. It’s a broken thigh bone that had time to heal. Picture an archaeological ...
At the end of November 2023 in London, I heard the question—"Why is Ukraine not searching for peace?”—asked by a taxi driver ...
AMA President Dr Danielle McMullen provides an update on the past week at the national AMA. Hello and happy Friday to you all ...
Donald Trump expressed surprise at the very high number of recipients having roots in Ireland – and it seems he may be on to ...