“Cremation ... The ashes could go in the ocean or be scattered in the woods. Or you could bury me somewhere nice and plant a tree over me. There are other options, too. You could decide when ...
Although we all know that death is inevitable, it is impossible not to think about what can happen once you are no longer in the world. What actually happens to your body once you pass away? While you ...
Senate Regulated Industries and Utilities Committee unanimously approves SB 241 which would regulate "organic human reduction ...
The renowned business provides compassionate cremation services, assisting families with planning and arrangements.
The footnote reads: “The body will be cremated and the Ashes taken to Australia.” Shirley Brooks, father of Reginald, was a campaigner for the right to human cremation, which was still illegal ...
Cremation is viewed as a more sustainable option, and alternatives like Parting Stone further minimize environmental impact caused by scattering cremation ashes. Moreover, as fewer Americans are ...