, Jakarta - Kepala Pusat Data dan Teknologi Informasi (Kapusdatin) Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Jakarta Mohammad Yohan menyampaikan, banjir di Jakarta sudah surut pada hari ...
HARIANMUBA.DISWAY.ID, - Polisi menangkap seorang pria berinisial DAA (25), karena mencuri mesin pompa air dan sepeda motor milik korban di Dusun IV Desa Pinang Banjar Kec.Sungai Lilin. Sabtu (01/03/25 ...
Choosing the best air fryer is difficult. Not because I have so many favorites that it's hard to narrow it down, and not because they're all so different that comparison is tricky. Quite the ...
JAKARTA, - Sekretaris Dinas Sumber Daya Air (SDA) Hendri mengatakan, pembersihan saluran air akan difokuskan pada tali air yang tersumbat tumpukan sedimen. “Kegiatan ini difokuskan pada ...
Get more information on air pollutants and the impact of poor air quality on your health. Learn about the causes of poor indoor air quality, how to detect it and how to improve it.
Tali Arbel is a publishing editor on the Speed & Trending desk based in New York. She previously worked for the Associated Press for over a decade, as a desk editor and a technology reporter.
Curious travelers probably often wonder just how many planes are in the air at the same time. Thanks to technology and the fact that every single plane is tracked, it’s easily answered.
Meski jalan menuju lokasi masih terjal dan penuh lubang, orang-orang tetap suka ke wisata air tersebut karena semua lelah dan kesukaran akan terbayar dengan keindahan pantai. Luppatan Tali-Tali Desa ...