Three anti-inflammatory recipes to give you a spring in your step - An anti-inflammatory diet may help you feel healthier as ...
This Canadian ultrarunner is still beating athletes 30 and 40 years his junior at the age of 67, and he admits that his diet ...
Confusion surrounds foods like raw milk, uncured deli meats, and seed oils. Consumer Reports provides the lowdown on whether or not they're good for you.
A diet focussing on natural ... Her collection of 100 recipes in The Anti-Inflammatory Recipe Book, delves into the latest research to help readers understand how foods rich in fibre, healthy ...
A diet focussing on natural ... Her collection of 100 recipes in The Anti-Inflammatory Recipe Book, delves into the latest research to help readers understand how foods rich in fibre, healthy ...
The paleolithic or 'paleo' diet suggests that eating like our Stone Age ancestors could be the key to a healthier lifestyle. Hollywood stars such as Channing Tatum and Matthew McConaughey are ...
Extra virgin olive oil serves as a cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet, one of the most researched anti-inflammatory dietary patterns. Its oleocanthal content produces effects similar to ...
This study aimed to explore the association between the cMIND diet, anti-inflammatory dietary diversity (AIDD), and the risk of anxiety in older adults. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis was ...
The diet’s naturally anti-inflammatory profile helps protect blood vessels and beta cells. Landmark studies found that individuals with type 2 diabetes following predominantly plant-based diets ...
We’ve tried to construct a perfect diet, so every single calorie I consume has a specific objective,' he explains. 'We basically just tried to stack superfoods across the board.' They also ...