Researchers have found that the taller the Japanese black pine trees (Pinus thunbergii) along the coast, the deeper their roots penetrate the ground. Deeper roots make trees more resistant to damage ...
When you think of festive cities, Dubai doesn't spring to mind. Despite this, the city is home to one of the most festive ...
There are plenty of twigs about after the recent storms to help anyone keen to learn a bit more about how to identify the ...
In Lithuania’s Dzūkija National Park, losing yourself amongst the pine trees while hunting for mushrooms is an occurrence so ...
Montana State University scientists say the frozen remnants of an ancient forest discovered 600 feet above the modern tree ...
Southern Pines hasn’t been paved over to put up a parking lot, but it does have a yellow hotel, several boutiques and a ...
Biologists at UC Davis have uncovered a fascinating genetic mechanism in walnut trees, allowing them to alternate between ...
Analysis of 6,000-year-old trees that melted out of a Beartooth Mountain ice patch provide a greater understanding of how ...
If you are ready to embrace your culinary explorer within, many edible tree leaves, needles and flowers open up a wild world of succulent possibilities."The lime tree is the ideal starter tree because ...
Your dried-up Christmas tree could be a fire risk. Every year, there are hundreds of Christmas tree fires across the country.