Worshipping Mitra, the god of friendship and unity, during Anuradha Nakshatra on January 24, 2025, brings opportunities for ...
My church recently joined many others in a 21-day fast, praying specifically for our incoming president’s life, the safety of ...
Trying to explain to white evangelicals how Trump’s language, policies and decisions are cruel is seemingly impossible.
Kabiyet Hill in western Kenya is now home to a Catholic shrine that provides a shared space for worship while also ...
Swati Nakshatra will be ruled by Vayu Dev, the god of wind. Honoring him can bring virtues such as vision, adaptability, and ...
Cardinal Dolan’s inauguration invocation shows that fervent prayer is the linchpin in the ongoing American experiment.
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is celebrated globally from Jan. 18-25 each year. The Week of Prayer for ...