The symptoms: In 1988, a teen visited the hospital with intermittent and acute abdominal pain. An examination revealed that she was about nine months pregnant — but she said she had been unaware of ...
Endometriosis treatments range from drugs to surgery. It’s debated if surgery is better than drugs or the reverse.
Certain changes in vaginal discharge, seen by its colour and texture, can sometimes indicate infections, sexually transmitted ...
When Phiona Namugga collapsed at 18 weeks pregnant, she had no idea she was facing a life-threatening uterine rupture ...
A mum of eight died from taking cocaine days after being released from prison where she got clean and lost her tolerance to ...
Hernia pada anak bisa muncul sejak bulan pertama kehidupannya. Tonjolan yang muncul bisa jadi mengganggu dan menimbulkan rasa sakit. Baca selengkapnya di sini.
During this procedure, a surgeon makes a small incision in the abdomen ... person wishes to continue with the pregnancy, a doctor will perform a pelvic examination. If the IUD strings are visible ...
A weak pelvic floor is a common condition; some risk factors are age, pregnancy, chronic constipation and coughing. Working ...
Medicaid is the main government program covering health care insurance and long-term care to approximately 83 million people.
The goal is to ease pain, reduce other issues, and help with getting pregnant. The best treatments ... your pain and when it happens. A pelvic exam is often next. The doctor then checks for ...
Pelvic floor therapy can help you deal with some of the condition's majorly uncomfortable (and flat out excruciating) ...