When the Shu complex is present, it helps guide RPA to move along the DNA strand, allowing for more efficient repair. "We knew that RAD51 and RPA were related to the Shu complex, but no one had ...
Developed in-house by Serra's laboratory, a test based on the detection of the RAD51 protein as a functional biomarker of homologous recombination repair (HRR) is currently being validated in the ...
RPA has a higher affinity for ssDNA than Rad51, and it therefore can inhibit recombination by blocking Rad51's access to the single strand needed for invasion. In yeast, however, binding of Rad51 ...
Developed in-house by Serra’s laboratory, a test based on the detection of the RAD51 protein as a functional biomarker of homologous recombination repair (HRR) is currently being validated in ...