The Sundance premiere documentary follows Israeli stand-up comedian Noam Shuster Eliassi and her lifelong Israel-Palestine ...
Gary Larson, creator of The Far Side, is known for making just about anything funny in his iconic strip, even supposedly ...
Earlier this week, acclaimed filmmaker David Lynch passed away. It was a big blow to fans. I thought it would be cool to share some video compilations that show off Lynch’s personality and how ...
It takes a certain level of skill and confidence to poke at cultural, social and political flaws, and make the people ...
Criminal-turned-comedian-turned-Catholic Shayne Smith shared a fresh perspective on the latest culture trend with Fox News Digital.
With Josh Gad,” the actor charmed the crowd with stories of showbiz, a sense of comic timing and a look inside his mind.
With perfect timing and absurd visuals, these Far Side comics deliver hilarious scenes that speak for themselves — no ...
Fantagraphics republish Lost Marvel comic,Tower of Shadows in their April 2025 solicits, with Neal Adams, Jim Steranko, Barry ...
Another popular sitcom is collaborating with Fortnite and this time it's King of the Hill. Here's everything we know about ...
A touring comedian known for her frank, Southern-style humor will tape her upcoming Netflix special in Wilmington this summer.
Reading Guernica as a comic positions the painting not as a lofty work of fine art, but as a public narrative of violence.
Jules Feiffer, the cartoonist and playwright whose syndicated comic strip ran for four decades, has died. The Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winner was 95.