Growing up, I always felt that my parents favored my sister. I'm trying not to do the same with my kids, but it can be tricky not to have a favorite.
Now my son is grown and he is a wonderful person. I’m married, and we have been successful enough that I’m about to step back from my career to pursue some personal projects. Val never married and ...
"My kids look up to me, and I want them to be tough, but I also want them to know it’s OK to feel, to express and to be loved ...
My husband, Bruce, and I were standing over our 3-month-old, trying to coax him to sleep. We peered down as he let out a ...
All along, our kids have seen the beauty of life, the reality of life within the womb, and the duty to love our neighbors.
It's that well-worn cliché about married couples: the wife who 'has a headache' and never wants to have sex, and the hard done by husband who isn't getting any, except maybe on his birthday.
I'm a longtime finance writer, and I love saving and investing, but I'm not teaching my kids to invest. Here are a few reasons I'm not trying to get my kids started with their own brokerage accounts.
Domestic abuse is not always inflicted from a spouse — sometimes it comes from the hearts of people you're bound to by blood.
I love my kids' friends, I do (well, most of them). But I still have one child who's not 100 percent drop-off playdate ready, which means parents and caregivers come along on playdates.