Minutes in Their Shoes' is an exhibit that opened in Austin in memory of the children killed in the 2022 Robb Elementary ...
AUSTIN (KXAN) —On Thursday, The Texas Education Agency (TEA) released its annual report. The report offers a look into how the state is doing when it comes to a number of topics in public education.
A 17-year-old boy who opened fire in his Nashville high school's cafeteria fired a total of 10 shots from a 9 mm pistol ...
Nashville Police spokesperson Don Aaron says the 17-year-old shooter wounded another student Wednesday at Antioch High School before turning the gun on himself.
The shooter was “significantly influenced by web-based material, especially that found on non-traditional sites that most would find harmful and objectionable,” police said.
The Hampton Police Department said there was a large presence near John Smith Elementary ... the school, told 13News Now. Around 2:10 p.m., dispatch received a report of a self-inflicted shooting ...
A man was hurt after an accidental, self-inflicted injury outside of John Smith Elementary School Thursday afternoon, police said. https://www.wavy.com/news/local ...
The Final Exam, a recently released video game in which you play as a student caught amid a school shooting, lasts for around ten minutes, about the length of a real shooting event in a U.S. school.
GREEN BAY - A Green Bay teen pleaded no contest to a reduced felony charge for injuring a 16-year-old boy in the April shooting that caused the lockdowns of Preble High School and Danz Elementary ...
An investigation is underway after 12 elementary schools in the Alpine, Nebo and Provo school districts received phone calls ...