Pinocchio, who is an Andean bear, underwent a root canal. Originally from Ecuador, he was found abandoned as a cub and was ...
Tribeca Smiles Elevates dental Care with TMJ Management, Pain-Free Sedation, and Advanced Root Canal Therapy for Enhanced Patient Comfort.
I'm not a vain person at all and I don't spend all my time looking in the mirror but since I've had them done, every time I ...
Sunrise Dental & Implant Center, located at 2750 North Texas Street, Suite 360 in Fairfield, California, is proud to announce it has been honored with the 2025 Top Patient Rated Dentist award, a ...
A vet rebuilt a sheepdog’s mouth using root canal after her jaw was almost ‘smashed off’ in a hit-and-run crash, writes Adam ...
A three-year-old Border Collie has had its face saved by Somerset vets after being involved in a "hit and run" in Somerset ...
On her 19th birthday, Isabella Strahan had emergency surgery to remove a brain tumor “somewhere between the size of a golf ball and a tennis ball” ...
After Isabella Strahan shared she was cancer-free this summer, her doctor detailed that her initial diagnosis, untreated, could have had fatal consequences.