These are the best replicas of the world's most famous ships around the world, including museums and floating hotels.
It emerges silently from the fog, all of it black, sleek and bubbling with quiet menace. The vessel brims with cruise ...
China's new Type 055 destroyer rivals the capabilities of the US's aging Ticonderoga class and may exceed it in threatening ...
MAPLE LEAF PRO sends its condolences to the family, friends, and fans of a true Maple Leaf Wrestling ICON, Sweet Daddy Siki, who passed away on December 31 at the age of 91. Siki arrived in Toronto in ...
A nameless grave serves as a stark reminder of the long search for answers over the unexplained death of a young man on a ...
The British Defence Equipment Sales Authority (DESA) said four decommissioned Royal Navy units ... By the late 1980s, the ship was already becoming increasingly outdated. She was converted ...
Major Robert Sawford (retd), known as 'Rawby', was presented with a first and second Federation Star by Chief of Army ...
Despite Princess Beatrice hiring a new stylist in 2023, most of her outfits still look like something from a Jane Austen ...
The President-elect pledged to "build an Iron Dome" over the U.S. to make sure "nothing can come and harm our people." A new report shows how it might look.
11 - Google releases its annual “Year in Search," rounding up the top trending queries entered into its namesake search ...