“Many students in our district have taken a keen interest in STEM education,” said Dr. Dennis Coe, Dothan City Schools ...
Benjamin Jeong took second place in Technology Meets the Arts. His project was Artificial Lung: From Science to Art and Back ...
A devoted, intelligent duo. By all accounts the pairing of Bethany Ray and Hubert Hsu's hard work and scientific smarts was ...
More than 900 students from throughout Florida took part in the 70th Annual State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida, ...
Two San Diego Jewish Academy students, Spencer Foss and Ava Lerman, recently entered projects into the Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair. Both decided to do projects in the field of ...
A bus passes a swan in London, a blue shark swims near Cornwall, and a group of pigeons eyes a tasty snack in Essex.
Yookta Pandit won the Middle School Engineering Grand Award and many others for developing an AI tool to detect dyslexia in ...
Students from Keokuk High School (KHS) and Keokuk Middle School (KMS) showcased their scientific research at the Eastern Iowa ...
The Lenawee Intermediate School District hosted its largest Tri-County STEM Fair yet, according to a community announcement.
An investigation is underway after a shooting in Atwater left a minor injured on Friday night.