The devastation of child marriage effectively ends a girl’s childhood. How? Forced marriage robs a girl of her education and more, replacing lessons learned in the classroom with adult ...
New Hampshire lawmakers are considering an exception to a child marriage ban for 17-year-olds to military members.
Missouri used to be a national haven for child statutory rapists because of its shamefully lax child-marriage laws: Until a few years ago, kids as young as 15 could marry with the permission of just ...
Despite efforts to end child marriage globally, an estimated 12 million girls are still married each year. West and Central Africa home to six of the top 10 countries with the highest prevalence of ...
There are many scenes which highlight how widespread child marriage is - and how it is accepted despite being against the law. According to Kenya's 2014 Marriage Act, a person must be 18 years of ...
Under current law, 16- and 17-year-olds can marry with parental consent. A bill sponsored by Sen. Tracy McCreery would ...
Bipartisan legislation introduced in the state Senate may bring an end to child marriage in Missouri. A law passed in 2018 ...