After participating in most relevant art conferences and industry discussions last year, such as Art and Business, Art and ...
“People are losing the ability to really connect when you’re getting the bulk of your information and connections from social media,” said startup businesses consultant Jacqueline Qumar. “When you ...
Created by Johns Hopkins researchers, EpiScalp could significantly reduce false positives and spare patients from medication side effects, driving restrictions, and other quality-of-life challenges ...
Historical practices and philosophies in Denmark, Italy, Japan, and Taoism also highlight the benefits of minimalism, relaxation, and mental well-being through non-doing. In our fast-paced world ...
The unusual day dedicated to doing nothing amid the busy and hectic everyday life encourages people to pause and appreciate the present moment. Engaging in relaxing activities and taking a moment to ...
On this day, there are no celebrations, no events, no obligations. It is just a day when you do absolutely nothing and enjoy the bliss of nothingness. In today's day and age, overwork and ...
"Obviously someone has put a lot of effort in, it's lovely to think of someone doing that." Marina Bullough says she walks on the beach "most days". "I'm always looking for things of interest and ...
It's not much to go on, fair enough, but I do think it's interesting that after nearly a decade of virtual silence, it turns out that Pardo and company have actually been doing something all along ...
This is what we do too. We are bridging technologies, education, and mindfulness,” the team of Donondo stated. At its core, Donondo is a contemporary art initiative. It’s not just an idea but ...
This week, we’ve got a way for local artists to share their work in a supportive setting, with Sketchbook Club at the New Bedford Art ... So when someone asks you what you want to do, you ...
High-profile UK artists including Damien Hirst and Cornelia Parker have selected key works of art to be included in a digital project due to be rolled out across Britain’s schools over the next ...