Actor-politician Khushbu hosted a star-studded birthday bash for her director-husband Sundar C. Mani Ratnam, Vadivelu, Radikaa Sarathkumar, Vishal and several others from the industry attended the ...
In a proud moment for Indian cinema, Band of Maharajas, directed by Girish Malik, has been declared eligible for Oscars ...
Bollywood actor Sonu Sood has donned the hat of a director with his latest film, 'Fateh', which hit theatres on January 10.
Bollywood actor Sonu Sood has donned the hat of a director with his latest film, 'Fateh', which hit theatres on January ...
Bollywood actor Sonu Sood shared insights into his directorial debut 'Fateh', revealing the unique collaboration with ...
Actor Sonu Sood has opened up about the challenges he faced during his directorial debut with the film titled Fateh.In a conversation with ANI, he talked abou ...
Saif Ali Khan is recovering after a stabbing incident, with family support. His sons Jeh and Taimur visited him in the ...
Actor Sonu Sood latest film Fateh has turned out to sleeper hit and is being praised for its story, stunning action sequences ...