Budget-conscious lawmakers have responded by letting Edison, PG&E and SDG&E do most of the heavy lifting of reducing wildfire ...
“The benefits of energy efficiency programs may not be worth their cost to ratepayers,” State Auditor Grant Parks wrote in a ...
The question now is whether there’s an opening for California to soften the blow.
Duke Energy Florida announced three new incentive programs for people who own or are thinking of getting an electric vehicle.
S ingle-person occupancy carpool lane access is one of the earliest EV ownership incentives, and it's set to end in ...
Trump has gone to almost cartoonish lengths to disincentivize EVs. And House Republicans have explicitly targeted ...
Harris, Bianco and possibly Jenner are already livening up what began as the dullest major California campaign in decades, a ...
Rousting SJP from campuses should be only a first step, with the more difficult act of ending faculty anti-semitism not yet even started.