NASA's Lucy spacecraft will soon travel by asteroid Donaldjohanson, which formed roughly 150 million years ago.
NASA is closely monitoring Asteroid 2014 TN17 due to its size and tremendous speed, as these kinds of space rocks are ...
Extraterrestrial lifeforms will likely not look like E.T. or little green Martians. But L.A. Times columnist Patt Morrison looked at a space rock with some promising, and microscopic, signs of life.
It's official - space is a war-fighting domain. Who says so? The British, the Americans, Nato and, among many other nations, ...
On Thursday, March 20, Rowan held a ribbon cutting for the museum named by Smithsonian Magazine one of its top 10 most ...
World’s longest anaconda: The first image that comes to mind when hearing the name anaconda is that of a giant species of ...
Sky This Week is brought to you in part by Celestron. Friday, March 21By 10 P.M. local daylight time, the constellation Canes Venatici the Hunting Dogs is some 45° high in the east. Nestled under the ...